Saturday, April 7, 2018

"Capacity - The Root of Confusion" by Anna Von Reitz

Friday, April 6, 2018

Capacity - The Root of Confusion

By Anna Von Reitz

At one time or another in your life you have heard the question asked, "What's your capacity?"  or  "In what capacity were you acting?"   This might have come up in any number of situations.  You might have even heard it in a courtroom or in relation to someone driving "in an impaired capacity".  

Identifying your capacity has two main components ---  describing the role you are playing at a given time or in a given situation and, secondly, the authority under which you are playing that role.  

Some capacities are mutually exclusive, such that you cannot be acting in both capacities at the same time.  You can't be a "sovereign citizen" because it is impossible to act as a sovereign and as a slave at the same time.  You can't be a "private citizen" because you can't act in a private capacity at the same time that you are acting in a public capacity. 

People who attack me and call me a "fake judge" and who otherwise attempt to discredit my credentials don't understand the capacity in which I am acting. 

I explain it this way:  there are two jurisdictions, land and sea. This in turn gives rise to two different jury pools, one called a "jural assembly" and another called a "jural society".  

I work for the Jural Assembly of the Alaska State as a Justice operating a land jurisdiction court. 

I do not work for the Jural Society of the State of Alaska in any capacity whatsoever. 

Thanks to the Great Fraud perpetuated against us, the courts owed to the land jurisdiction of this country have largely been vacated since 1965 and people have forgotten about them. 

Not understanding the capacity in which I act then gives rise to false assumptions  about the requirements of my office.  

People assume that I must be a member of the Alaska Bar Association, but in fact, the opposite is true. Bar Members can't serve in a land jurisdiction court. 

In an effort to keep things straight, land jurisdiction judges are properly called "justices" and sea jurisdiction judges are called "judges" but since average people don't know the difference anymore, it does little good to make the distinction. 

Perhaps we, the growing body of American Justices, need to wear green robes and our counterparts in the sea courts need to wear blue robes, to help people grasp the difference in capacity and jurisdiction--- land and sea --- that is involved. 

Another common confusion about capacity arises when people claim back their birthright political status and then want to do things like sign petitions and vote in federal elections and call "their" Congressman. 

Let's be very clear about this.  When you reclaim your birthright status you are no longer acting in the capacity of a "voter".  You are declaring yourself to be an "elector".  

You no longer sign "petitions" in the capacity of a British subject begging for relief. You direct your public servants to do your Will. 

You also recognize the fact that these people deceptively calling themselves "Congressmen" are not your Congressmen.  They are members of the Territorial United States Congress and the Municipal United States Congress, not the National United States Congress, which has been vacant since 1861. 

When you claim your birthright estate and correct the falsified public records, you are able to act in a different and new capacity.  You are no longer acting as a British conscript, obligated to obey every whim of a foreign government.  You have a new capacity as a non-citizen American national to fulfill.  

That capacity enables you to form your local County Jural Assembly, to elect your county land jurisdiction Sheriff, to elect your land jurisdiction Justices to your actual land jurisdiction County Court --- and from there, you are able to assemble your State Jural Assembly and elect your State Justices and also elect State Deputies to attend the National-level Congressional Assembly.

Finally, you are also enabled to elect National Deputies to attend the Continental Congress. 

This is how the organizational structure of your lawful government looks: 

American non-citizen national forms:
County Jural Assembly forms:
State Jural Assembly elects:
National Congressional Assembly  (Washington, DC / Delegated Powers)
Continental Congressional Assembly (Philadelphia /Non-Delegated Powers)

As you will note there are two (2) Congressional Assemblies, one that meets in Washington, DC to administer the delegated powers, and one that (originally) met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to administer the non-delegated powers. 

After the new capitol was built, Congress moved all its meetings to DC -- which  turned out to be a mistake.  With the same men acting in two different capacities but meeting in the same location, it was natural for the lines to get blurred between their administration of the delegated powers and their administration of the non-delegated powers----- and also for their loyalties to get confused. 

Today the members of Congress, even the Senators, do not act as Fiduciary Deputies chosen by electors. 

Instead, they act as unaccountable "Representatives" of corporate shareholders, holding proxies from voters. 

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. If the citizen you are using is placed in a private trust, that becomes a private citizen. Its keep it straight.
    1. Better off being a non citizen state national.
  2. I am a fool ,yet I remain the holder of any instrumentality ,without identification ,in a non representative capacity and by proxy ,send your self to validate or void for copyright infringement for the chosen (instrumentality")(pawn) another form of abatement for the Sovereign set off ...or toss off ,the unwanted cargo ......Vc
    sui generis

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