Perpetual Friendship Treaty(ies) With the U.S. In Place Superceding State Laws -- Notice to the U.S. President, et. als.
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U.S. President Barack ObamaSecretary of State Hillary ClintonKo Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2012-0030 Kamehameha Descendant/Heir Exposing Terrorist Trustees of KSBE, et. als. in Court from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign AffairsGreetings,This is a reminder that Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, et. als. existed in 1893 - the time of the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani. In other words, the Crown Land owners, the Alii Family(ies) were heirs to the Private Properties of the Kamehameha's, the lands of the Alii too.The Lies, Frauds Perpetuated by the conspirators/treasonous persons who were part of the voted in, 1/3 part of the Hawaiian Government supported the lies that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the "last of the Kamehameha's".The following is a recent post with the list of the Kamehameha's sons and daughters. Many descendants/heirs existed when Bernice Pauahi Bishop died in 1884:Reintroducing Kamehameha's Family(ies), the TRUE Royal Family(ies) in the Hawaiian Islands
Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's Son's & Daughter's/Descendants/Hanai/Heirs and their Descendants Exists -----HERE ARE THE ONES DOCUMENTED IN RESEARCH - Which is Why KSBE, et. als. ARE PIRATES, CROOKS, WICKED, EVIL, CONSPIRATORS....
by Amelia Gora (2012), a Royal person
The following are the Kalaniopuu's and Kamehameha's Children/Descendants/ Hanai/Heirs/Successors found in research:
1) KIWALAO (k)
4) PUALI NUI (w)
6) KAOLEIOKU - had four (4) children:
a) Pauahi (w) - Ruth Keelikolani (w)
b) Konia (w) - Bernice Pauahi (w) (the real one)
c) Hanuna (k) - Kapule (k); Kini (w); Hookahe(w); and Poohina (w)
7) LIHOLIHO/Kamehameha II
8) KAUIKEOULI/Kamehameha III
10) KINAU (w)
15) KILIWEHI (w)
16) KANEKAPOLEI (w) - had two (2) children:
a) Kikau (k) - Nahuina (k); Nawahineelua (w)
b) Kepelino (k)
18) KALANIHELEMAIILUNA PAKI - had two (2) children:
a) Abner Paki (k)
b) Kalaniulumoku (k)
19) KAHOANAKU KINAU - had three (3) children:
a) Miriam Kekauonohi (w)
b) Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k)
c) Maulili (k)
21) KEKAULUOHI/AUHEA (w) had William Charles Lunalilo/King William Lunalilo
These are the Sovereign's heirs/descendants whose descendants/heirs EXISTS who are the true Crown Land Owners. The Crown Lands were criminally called the "Ceded Lands" by a Nation supporting PIRATES, THIEVES, SWINDLERS, TERRORISTS/TERROR MAKERS, CONSPIRATORS in 1893 which were part of the voted in, haole filled positions of the Hawaiian Government, a temporary part called the House of Representatives, who premeditated, conspired against Queen Liliuokalani, a hanai of the Kamehameha's Family(ies) and called themselves the Provisional Government, then the Republic of Hawaii, the Territory of Hawaii, and the State of Hawaii with documented Oppositions every step of the way.
Queen Emma was a grandniece of Kamehameha through her father Keliimaikai his brother.
Queen Emma had been married to Alexander Liholiho /Kamehameha IV a Kamehameha descendant who was a hanai/adopted by his Kamehameha descendant uncle Kauikeouli/ Kamehameha III.
Queen Emma had 1/2 interest in the Crown Lands which she conveyed to the Hawaiian Government, which was the three part Government made up of the two permanent parts:
1) Sovereign - his descendants/heirs (bloodlines only)
2) House of Nobles - their descendants/heirs (bloodlines only)
3) House of Representatives - a temporary, voted in part which comprised of haole, foreigners who envied the Royal Family(ies) properties, etc. or "coveted what was not theirs" till today.
This branch did premeditate, conspire against the Royal Family(ies). Genocide Acts are on record, and promoted, perpetuated even today.
King Lunalilo descended from Kekauluohi/Auhea who was a stepdaughter of Kamehameha, had been married to him, then married Kamehameha's son Liholiho/Kamehameha III, married Kahea/Kaheakulani, and married Charles Kanaina.
Keohokalole (w) the mother of David Kalakaua, and Liliuokalani was a hanai of one of KAOLEIOKU's descendants and Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani was a hanai of KALANIHELEMAIILUNA PAKI'S descendant Abner Paki.
Bernice Pauahi Bishop
Bernice Pauahi Bishop (died 1884) was given opium for pain from breast cancer. Her husband Charles Reed Bishop was a lawyer, banker, devious criminal who moved with others to criminally assume lands of our Royal Family(ies) when in reality the Royal Patents, land commission awards were secured through the Alodio/Ano Alodio System.
Charles Reed Bishop was a Mason/Freemason, American spy who worked for the American Consulate on his arrival with his lover William Lee, a lawyer, a banker, a plantation owner, one of the founders/investors in the Pacific Cable Company which was set up to inform the U.S. that the Japanese were passing the islands, he was a conspirator, a treasonous person.
PIRATES of the Pacific
Dedication Introduction Drawing PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC Aldrich, William Arthur Alexander, William DeWitt Alexander, Samuel Thomas Allen, Elisha Hunt Allen, William F 2 Andrews, Lorrin Armstrong, Richard Armstrong, Samuel C. 3 Armstrong, William N. Ashford, Clarence Wilder Ashford, Marguerite Kamehaokalani 4 Atherton, Joseph Ballard Austin, Jonathan Baldwin, Henry Perrine Belknap, George 5 Bishop, Charles Reed 6 Bishop, Eben Faxon 9 Bishop, Sereno E. Bolte, C. Bond, Edward P. Bowen, William Boyd. E.S. 10 Boyd, J. H. Boyd, R. N. Brewer, Charles Brewer II, Charles 11 Brown, Charles Augustus 12 Brown, George 13 Brown, Godfrey Brown, Jacob Foster Brown, M. Bush, Gavien Fred Bush, John Edward 14 Camara, Jr., J.M. Campbell, James Carlisle, John Griffith Carter, Charles L. Carter, George Robert Carter, Henry Alpheus Pierce 16 Cartwright, Bruce Castle, Samuel Northrup 17 Castle, William R. Chamberlain, Levi Cleghorn, Archibald Scott 18 Coffman, De Witt Cooke, Amos Starr Cooke, Charles 19 Cooper, Henry Ernest Cummins, John A. Cummings, W. H. Damon, Edward Damon, Samuel Mills Davies, Theophilus Harris 20 Day, Francis R. Dayton, David Delameter, N.B. Dillingham, Benjamin Franklin Dillingham, Walter 21 Dimond, Henry Dodge, F. S. Dole, Sanford Ballard Dominis, John O. 22 Dowsett, James Isaac Emmeluth, John Fisher, Joseph Henry 23 Forbes, Anderson Oliver Frear, Walter Francis Gibson, Walter Murray Gilman, Gorham D. 24 Glade, H. F. Godkin, Edwin L. Green, William Lowthan Gresham, Walter Quintin 25 Gulick, Charles T. Hackfeld, Heinrich Hall, Edwin Oscar Hall, W. W. Harris, Charles Coffin 26 Hartwell, Alfred Stedman Hassinger, J.A. Herrick, C. f. Hobbs, L. G. Hoes, R. R. Hoffman Holt, Robert Hooper, William Northey Iaukea, Curtis Piehu 27 Ihihi, I. Irwin, William Jones, G. W. C. Jones, Peter Cushman Judd, Albert Francis 28 Judd, Bernice Judd, Charles Hastings Judd, Gerrit Parmele 29 Kaai, Simon K. Kaia, Maria Kalanianaole/Kuhio/Prince Kuhio/Kuhio Kalanianaole 30 Kalu, D Kaluna, William Kamakaia, Samuel K Kanakanui, S. M. 31 Kauanui Keohokalole, Morris K. King, James A. Kinney, William A. Ku, Sam Kulike 32 Laird Lawrence, Robert Lee, William Little Liwai, J. Low, Frederick Ferdinand Lucas, Albert Ludlow, N. Lyons, C. S. McCandless, J. A. 33 McChesney, F. W. McGrew, John S. MacCarthur, Charles L. Macy, George Mahaulu, S. Marsden, Joseph 34 Meheula, H. Moore, E. K. Moreno, Celso Morgan, James F. Mott Smith, John Nakuina, Moses K. Neumann, Paul Notley, Charles 35 Oleson, William B. Olney, Richard Oxnard, Henry T. Parker, Samuel Peterson, A. P. 36 Pratt, J. W. Preston, Edward Procter, John Robert Ralston, William C. Reeder, F. W. Rice, William Hyde Robertson, George Rosa, Geo 37 Rose, Geo C. Rowell, William E. Schurz, Carl Shipman, William Silva, Manuel Enos Simpson, W. E Smith, William Owen 38 Soper, J. H. Spalding, Z.S. Spreckels, Claus Stelker, M. Stevens, John Leavitt Swinburne, W. T. 39 Thrum, Thomas G. Thurston, Lorrin Andrews Tracy, B. F. Vida, C. E. Waity, Henry E. Wall, W. E. 40 Ward, Curtis Perry Waterhouse, John Thomas White, Jno C. Whiting, William Austin Widemann, H.A. Wilcox, Albert S. Wilcox, Charles Wilcox, George N. Wilder, William C. 41 Wilder, Jr., W. O. Willis, C. J. Wundenburg, F. W. Wyllie, Robert C. Young, Alexander 42 Young, Lucien Ziegler, C. W. United States Presidents Family(ies)/Close Friends in Hawaii Franklin Pierce – 14th President –Term: 1853 – 1857 43 Abraham Lincoln – 16th President – Term: 1861-1865 Grover Cleveland – 22nd & 24th President – Terms: 1885-1889 and 1893-1897 Theodore Roosevelt – 26th President – Terms: 1901-1905 and 1905-1909 Franklin D. Roosevelt – 32nd President – Terms: 1933-1941; and 1941-1945; John F. Kennedy – 35th President – Term: 1961-1963 Santa Claus from Hawaii 45 Original Owner of MACY’S: Roland H. Macy’s relatives in Hawaii General Electric Credit Corporation Mutual Shares Corporation Michael A. Price Goldman & Sachs, limited partnership with Sidney J. Weinberg Ed Finkelstein Mark Handler Art Reiner Bobby Friedman Hal Kahn Sidney J. Weinberg Dan I. Hale Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bishop Estates aka’s George Macy Internal Revenue Service of the United States government George Macy, Jr. LIBERTY HOUSE MACY’S Commentary Overview of the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC -Americans -Bankers -Genealogy Frauds -Judges -Lawyers -Missionary or Missionary descendant -Planters or Plantation employees -Pacific Cable Company/cable interests -Suspected Spy (includes Masons, etc.) -Unidentified ---Totals ---Grand Totals -----Civil War Generals in Hawaii or Family in Hawaii
Bernice Pauahi's Hanai SisterQueen Liliuokalani attended the Royal School with Bernice Pauahi (deceased 1884), and raised by the real Bernice Pauahi's parents were named Abner Paki and Konia. Both were Kamehameha's descendants.Queen Liliuokalani's parents were Caesar Kapaakea and Keohokalole who was a member of the House of Nobles. Her siblings were David Kalakaua, Leleiohoku, Anna.Queen Liliuokalani married others and had children/stepchildren.In 1893 and thereafter, Queen Liliuokalani, the Royal Family(ies) and her 40,000 subjects were victims of genocide, under duress, stress, usurpation, threat, intimidation, coercion, exposed to hate, animosities, killings, beatings, and thrown into the leper colony even though they did not have leprosy, and what they did have was land, money, water rights, konohiki rights, Royal Families were ordinarily not subject to the laws but legal maneuvers made by treasonous person allowed them to be condemned to Kalaupapa for leprosy, and their loved ones accompanied them with the condition that they would have to submit to experimentation if they wanted to stay with them.Bernice Pauahi's Hanai/Adoptive FamilyBernice Pauahi was raised by Kinau, a Kamehameha descendant, and Mataio Kekuanaoa. Mataio Kekuanaoa's children were Paalua (oldest son); Ruth Keelikolani; Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu; David Kamehameha; John Kapena; Alenoho; Kapehe; Kapau; Sam Kapena; Umiokalani, Kaioipahia et. als.PremeditationEvidence of Premeditation has been posted for the World to view and is available for all to print, share. A compiled book will also be out soon along with other books showing the wrongs against a friendly, neutral nation with Treaty(ies) in place:Highlights of PremeditationPearl Harbor Coaling Station - Standing Order by U.S. President and Congress to take over:Article Preview
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. -- The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it stands in real need. Nothing has been done since 1884, when the Pearl Harbor site in the Hawaiian Islands became available, beyond a number of surveys which have abundantly demonstrated the excellence of this harbor as a site for a naval station.Read more Premeditation Evidence at Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaiian Kingdom a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy - Hawaiian GovernmentRecognition of Hawaiian Independence
Faced with the quintessential problem of foreign encroachment of Hawaiian territory, His Hawaiian Majesty King Kamehameha III deemed it prudent and necessary to dispatch a Hawaiian delegation to the United States and then to Europe with the power to settle alleged difficulties with nations, negotiate treaties and to ultimately secure the recognition of Hawaiian Independence by the major powers of the world. In accordance with this view, Timoteo Ha'alilio, William Richards and Sir George Simpson were commissioned as joint Ministers Plenipotentiary on April 8, 1842. Sir George Simpson, shortly thereafter, left for England, via Alaska and Siberia, while Mr. Ha'alilio and Mr. Richards departed for the United States, via Mexico, on July 8, 1842.
The Hawaiian delegation, while in the United States of America, secured the assurance of U.S. President Tyler on December 19, 1842 of its recognition of Hawaiian independence, and then proceeded to meet Sir George Simpson in Europe and secure formal recognition by Great Britain and France. On March 17, 1843, King Louis-Phillipe of France recognizes Hawaiian independence at the urging of King Leopold of Belgium, and on April 1, 1843, Lord Aberdeen on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty Queen Victoria, assured the Hawaiian delegation that
"Her Majesty's Government was willing and had determined to recognize the independence of the Sandwich Islands under their present sovereign."
On November 28, 1843, at the Court of London, the British and French Governments entered into a formal agreement of the recognition of Hawaiian independence.
"Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the French, taking into consideration the existence in the Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands) of a government capable of providing for the regularity of its relations with foreign nations, have thought it right to engage, reciprocally, to consider the Sandwich Islands as an Independent State, and never to take possession, neither directly or under the title of Protectorate, or under any other form, of any part of the territory of which they are composed.
The undersigned, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs, and the Ambassador Extraordinary of His Majesty the King of the French, at the Court of London, being furnished with the necessary powers, hereby declare, in consequence, that their said Majesties take reciprocally that engagement.
In witness whereof the undersigned have signed the present declaration, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.
Done in duplicate at London, the 28th day of November, in the year of our Lord, 1843.
[L.S.] Aberdeen
[L.S.] St. Aulaire"
View page 1 and page 2 of the original Anglo-Franco Proclamation from the United Kingdom archives.
As a result of the recognition of Hawaiian independence since 1842 the Hawaiian Kingdom entered into treaties with the major nations of the world and had established over ninety legations and consulates in multiple seaports and cities.
- Austria-Hungary in 1875
- Belgium in 1862
- Denmark in 1846
- France 1846 and 1857
- Germany in 1879
- Great Britain in 1836, 1846 and 1851
- Italy in 1863
- Japan in 1871 and 1886
- Netherlands in 1862
- Portugal in 1882
- Russia in 1869
- Samoa in 1887
- Spain in 1863
- Swiss Confederation in 1864
- Sweden and Norway in 1852
- United States in 1849, 1870, 1875, 1883, 1884
Senate advice and consent to ratification January 14, 1850
Ratified by the President of the United States February 4, 1850
Ratified by the Hawaiian Islands August 19, 1850
Ratifications exchanged at Honolulu August 24, 1850
Entered into force August 24, 1850
The United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, equally animated with the desire of maintaining the relations of good understanding which have hitherto so happily subsisted between their respective states, and consolidating the commercial intercourse between them, have agreed to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, for which purpose they have appointed plenipotentiaries, that is to say:
The President of the United States of America, John M. Clayton, Secretary of State of the United States; and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, James Jackson Jarves, accredited as his Special Commissioner to the Government of the United States; who, after having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have concluded and signed the following articles:
Article I
There shall be perpetual peace and amity between the United States and the King of the Hawaiian Islands, his heirs and his successors.
Article II
There shall be reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation between the United States of America and the Hawaiian Islands. No duty of customs, or other impost, shall be charged upon any goods, the produce or manufacture of one country, upon importation from such country into the other, other or higher than the duty or impost charged upon goods of the same kind, the produce of manufacture of, or imported from, any other country; and the United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands do hereby engage, that the subjects or citizens of any other state shall not enjoy any favor, privilege, or immunity, whatever, in matters of commerce and navigation, which shall not also, at the same time, be extended to the subjects or citizens of the other contracting party, gratuitously, if the concession in favor of that other State shall have been gratuitous, and in return for a compensation, as nearly as possible of proportionate value and effect, to be adjusted by mutual agreement, if the concession shall have been conditional.
Article III
All articles the produce or manufacture of either country which can legally be imported into either country from the other, in ships of that other country, and thence coming, shall, when so imported, be subject to the same duties, and enjoy the same privileges, whether imported in ships of the one country, or in ships of the other; and in like manner, all goods which can legally be exported or re-exported from either country to the other, in ships of that other country, shall, when so exported or reexported, be subject to the same duties, and be entitled to the same privileges, draw backs, bounties, and allowances, whether exported in ships of the one country, or in ships of the other: and all goods and articles, of whatever( description, not being' of the produce of manufacture of the United States, which can be legally imported into the Sandwich Islands shall when so imported In vessels of the United States pay no other or higher duties, imposts, or charges than shall be payable upon the like goods, and articles, when imported in the vessels of the most favored foreign nation other than the nation of which the said goods and articles are the produce or manufacture.
Article IV
No duties of tonnage, harbor, lighthouses, pilotage, quarantine, or other similar duties, of whatever nature, or under whatever denomination, shall be imposed in either country upon the vessels of the other, in respect of voyages between the United States of America and the Hawaiian Islands, if laden, or in respect of any voyage, if in ballast, which shall not be equally imposed in the like cases on national vessels.
Article V
It hereby declared, that the stipulations of the present treaty are not to be understood as applying to the navigation and carrying trade between one port and another situated in the state of either contracting party, such navigation and trade being reserved exclusively to national vessels.
Article VI
Steam vessel of the United States which may be employed by the Government of the said States, in the carrying of their Public Mail across the Pacific Ocean, of from one port in that ocean to another, shall have free access to the ports of the Sandwich Islands, with the privilege of stopping therein to refit, to refresh, to land passengers and their baggage, and for the transaction of any business pertaining to the public Mail service of the United States, and be subject in such ports to no duties of tonnage, harbor, lighthouses, quarantine, or other similar duties of whatever nature of under whatever denomination.
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Article VII
The Whaleships of the United States shall have access to the Port of Hilo, Kealakekua and Hanalei in the Sandwich Islands, for the purposes of refitment and refreshment, as well as to the ports of Honolulu and Lahaina which only are ports of entry for all Merchant vessels, and in all the above named ports, they shall be permitted to trade or barter their supplies or goods, excepting spirituous liquors, to the amount of two hundred dollars ad va lorem for each vessel, without paying any charge for tonnage or harbor dues of any description, or any duties or imposts whatever upon the goods or articles so traded or bartered. They shall also be permitted; with the like exemption from all chargers for tonnage and harbor dues, further to trade or barter, with the same exception as to spiritous licquors, to the additional amount of one thousand dollars ad valorum, for each vessel, paying upon the additional goods and articles so traded and bartered, no other or higher duties, than are payable on like goods and articles, when imported in the vessels and by the citizens or subject of the most favored foreign nation.
They shall so be permitted to pass from port to port of the Sandwich Islands for the purpose of procuring refreshments, but they shall not discharge their seamen or land their passenger in the said Islands, except at Lahaina and Honolulu; and in all the ports named to this article, the whale ships of the United States shall enjoy in all respects, whatsoever, all the rights, privileges and immunities which are enjoyed by, or shall be granted to, the whale ships of the most favored foreign nation. The like privilege of frequenting the three ports of the Sandwich Islands, above named in this article, not being ports of entry for merchant vessels, is also guaranteed to all the public armed vessels of the United States. But nothing in this article shall be construed as authorizing any vessel of the United States, having on board any disease usually regarded as requiring quarantine, to enter during the continuance of such disease on board, any port of the Sandwich Islands, other than Lahaina or Honolulu.
Article VIII
The contracting parties engage, in regard to the personal privileges, that the citizens of the United States of America shall enjoy in the dominion of His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, and the subjects of his said Majesty in the United States of America, that they shall have free and undoubted right to travel and to reside in the states of the two high contracting parties, subject to the same precaution a police which are practiced towards the subjects or citizens of the most favored nations. They shall be entitled to occupy dwellings and warships, and to dispose of their personal property of every kind and description, by sale, gift, exchange, will, or in any other way whatever, without the smallest hindrance or obstacle; and their heir or representatives, being subject or citizens of the other contracting party, shall succeed to their personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestato; and may take possession thereof, either by themselves or by others acting for them, and dispose of same by will, paying to the profit of the respective governments, such dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein said goods are, shall be subject to pain in like cases. And in case of the absence of the heir and representative, such care shall be taken of said goods as would be taken of the goods of a native of the same country in like case, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving them.
And if a question should aarise among several claimants as to which of them aid goods belong, the same shall be decided finally by the laws and judges of the land wherein the said goods are. Where, on the decease of any person holding real estate within the territories of one party, such real estate would, by the laws of the land, descend on a citizen or subject of the other, were he not disqualified by alienage, such citizen or subject shall be allowed a reasonable time to sell the same, and to with draw the proceeds without molestation and exempt from all duties of detraction on the part of the government of the respective states. The citizens or subjects of the contracting parties shall not be obligated to pay, under any pretence whatever, any taxes or impositions other or greater than those which are paid, or may hereafter be paid , by the subjects or citizens of most favored nations, in the respective states of the high contracting parties. They shall be exempt from all military service, whether by land or by sea; from forced loans; and from every extraordinary contribution not general and by law established. Their dwellings, warehouses, and all premises appertaining thereto, destined for the purposes of commerce or residence shall be respected.
No arbitrary search of , or visit to, their houses, and no arbitrary examination or inspection whatever of the books, papers, or accounts of their trade, shall be made; but such measures shall be executed only in conformity with the legal sentence of a competent tribunal; and each of the two contracting parties engage that the citizens or subjects of the other residing in their respective States shall enjoy their property and personal security, in as full and ample manner of their own citizens or subjects, of the subjects or citizens of the most favored nation, but subject alway to the laws and statutes of the two countries restively.
Article IX
The citizen and subjects of each of the two contracting parties shall be free in the state of the other to manage their own affairs themselves, or to commit those affairs to the management of any persons whom they may appoint as their broker, factor or agent; nor shall the citizens and subjects of the two contracting parties be restrained in their choice of person to act in such capacities, nor shall they be called upon to pay and salary or remuneration to any person whom they shall not choose to employ.
Absolute freedom shall be given in all cases to the buyer and seller to bargain together and to fix the price of any good or merchandise imported into, or to be exported from the state and dominions of the two contracting parties; save and except generally such case wherein the laws and usages of the country may require the intervention of any special agent in the estate and dominion of the contracting parties. But nothing contained in this or any other article of the present Treaty shall be construed to authorize the sale of spirituous liquors to the natives of the Sandwich Islands, further than such sale may be allowed by the Hawaiian laws.
Article X
Each of the two contracting parties may have, in the ports of the other, consul, vice consul, and commercial agent, of their own appointment, who shall enjoy the same privileges and power with those of the most favored nations; but if any such consul shall exercise commerce, they shall be subject to the same law and usage to which the private individuals of their nation are subject in the same place. The said Consul, vice consul, and commercial agents are authorized to require the assistance of the local authorities for the search, arrest, detention, and imprisonment of the deserters from the ships of war and merchant vessels of their country. For this purpose, they shall apply to the competent tribunal, judges and officers, and shall in writing demand the said deserters, proving, by the exhibition of the registers of the vessel, the rolls of the crews, or by other official document, that such individual formed part of the crew; and this reclamation being thus substantiated, the offender shall not be refused. Such deserters, when arrested shall be placed at the disposal of the said consul, vice consul, or commercial agents, and may be confined in the public prison, at the request and cost of those who all claim them, in order to be detained until the time when they shall be restored to the vessel to which they belonged, or sent back to their own country by a vessel of the same nation or any other vessel whatsoever.
The agent, owners or masters of vessels on account of whom the deserters have been apprehended, upon requisition of the local authorities shall be required to take or send away such deserters from the state and dominions of the contracting parties, or give such security for their good conduct as the law may require. But if not sent back nor reclaimed within six months from the day of their arrest, or if all the expenses of such imprisonment are not defrayed by the party causing such arrest and imprisonment, they shall be set at liberty and shall not be again arrested for the same cause. However, if the deserters should be found to have committed any crime or offense, their surrender may be delayed until the tribunal before which their case shall be depending, shall have pronounced its sentence, and such sentence shall have been carried into effect.
Article XI
It is agreed that perfect and entire liberty of conscience shall be enjoyed by the citizens and subjects of both the contracting parties, in the countries of the one of the other, without their being liable to be disturbed or molested on account of their religious belief. But nothing contained in this article shall be construed to interfere with the exclusive right of the Hawaiian Government to regulate for itself the schools which it may establish or support within its jurisdiction.
Article XII
If any ships of war or other vessels be wrecked on the coasts of the states or territories of either of the contracting parties, such ships or vessels, or any parts thereof, and all furniture and appurtenance belonging thereunto, and all goods and merchandise which shall be stored with the least possible delay to the proprietors, upon being claimed by them or their duly authorized factors; and if there are no such proprietors or factors on the spot, then the said goods and merchandise, or the proceeds thereof, as well as all the papers found on board such wrecked ships or vessels, shall be delivered to the American or Hawaiian consul, or vice consul, in whose district the wreck may have taken place; and such consul, vice consul, proprietors, or factors, shall pay on the expenses incurred in the preservation of the property, together with the rate of salvage, and expenses of quarantine which would have been payable in the like case of a wreck of a national vessel; and the goods and merchandise saved from the wreck shall not be subject to duties unless entered for consumption, it being understood that in case of any legal claim upon such wreck, goods, or merchandise, the same shall be referred for decision of the competent tribunals of the country.
Article XIII
The vessels of either of the two contracting parties which may be forced by weather or other cause into one of the ports of the other, shall be exempt from all duties of port or navigation paid for the benefit of the state, if the motives which led to their seeking refuge be real and evident, and if no cargo be discharged or taken on board, save such as may relate to the substinence of the crew, or be necessary for the repair of the vessels, and if they do not stay in port beyond the time necessary, keeping in view the cause which led to their seeking refuge.
Article XIV
The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender, upon official requisition, to the authority of each, all persons who, being charged with the crimes of murder, piracy, arson, robbery, forgery or the utterance of forged paper, committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence or criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been committed: and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two Governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person do charged, that he may be brought before such judge or other magistrates respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered; and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issued for the surrender of such fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive.
Article XV
So soon as Steam or other mail packets under the flag of either of the contracting parties, shall have commenced running between their respective ports of entry, the contracting parties agree to receive at the post offices of those ports all mailable matter, and to forward it as directed, the destination being to dome regular post office of either country, charging thereupon the regular postal rate as established by law in the territories of either party receiving said mailable matter, in addition to the original postage of the office whence the mail as sent. Mails for the United States shall be made up at regular intervals at the Hawaiian Post Office, and dispatched to ports of the United States, the postmasters at which ports shall open the same, and forward the enclosed matter as directed, crediting in the Hawaiian Government with their postages as established by law and stamped upon each manuscript or printed sheet.
All mailable matter destined for the Hawaiian Islands shall be received at the several post office in the United States and forwarded to San Franclsco or other ports on the Pacific coast of the United States, whence the post masters shall despatch it by the regular mail packets to Honolulu, the Hawaiian government agreeing on their part to receive and collect for and credit the Post Office Department of the United State with the United States rates charged thereupon. It shall be optional to prepay the postage on letters in either country, but postage on printed sheets and newspapers shall in all cases be prepaid. The respective post office department of the contracting parties shall in their accounts, which are to be justified annually, be credited with all dead letters returned.
Article XV
The present treaty shall be in force from the date of the exchange of the ratification for the term of ten years, and further, until the end of twelve months after either of the contracting parties all have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same, each of the said contracting parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice at the end of the said term of ten years, or at any subsequent term.
Any citizen or subject of either party infringing the articles of this treaty shall be held responsible for the same and the harmony and good correspondence between the two governments shall not be interrupted thereby, each party engaging in no way to protect the offender or sanction such violation.
Article XVII
The present treaty hall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of said States, and by His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, by and with the advice of his Privy Council of State, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Honolulu within eighteen months from the date of its signature, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same in triplicate, and have thereto affixed their seals. Done at Washington in the English language, the twentieth day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty nine.
Reference:, CONSPIRATORS/TREASONOUS PERSONS/PARASITES PERPETUATING FRAUDS, DECEIT, ETC.The PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS will soon be published again, sold to all who are interested in seeing the players who ran with lands, monies, resources, water, interests, etc. belonging to our Royal Families who existed in 1893 and whose descendants/heirs exists today.Documents have been prepared which exposes the facts that the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/ Kamehameha Schools have no title to lands belonging to our families. See the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Will in which she conveys to non family members to be her Trustees and their successors.The Trustees so named today and that the Corporation(s) that conveyed lands to your nation had no title to lands in the Hawaiian Islands.The following is an article about the Corporations, including the Royal Families Trusts, the Trustees (and Administrators Under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools, etc.:A Look At Corporations From the Hawaiian Islands- A Review -by Amelia Gora, One of Kamehameha's Descendant/Heirs (2012)"Corporations have long history of force, fraud and theft...In a system based on private accumulation, they will use their profits to corrupt the legal system, hijack public funds, get the best lawyers, and make their operations as opaque as possible to avoid prosecution, no matter the charge. None of this is a bug of capitalism; it is a feature." - Unlearning Economics posted by Juan Gonzales, OpEdNews, August 3, 2012
Reference: is true, an an excellent example is that of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools see: Estate which is based on the lie, frauds (Bernice Pauahi Bishop was 'said to be the daughter of H. Pierce' as documented in the Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii and the NEW YORK TIMES article showing that she was half white at , identity theft, conspiracies, etc. that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the "last of the Kamehameha's" is one offorce, fraud and theft documented. An example is how they have bullied their criminal claims and utilize the sheriffs, police, and other paid off people to "strong arm" the true land owners. Genocide issues of our families and others oral histories have been documented. Recently, these bully behaviors were also documented in Police Reports because I've been assigned a "Genocide Activities File" see:The Trust was based on a carefully planned private accumulation through the planned effort to control all Alii (leaders and families of the Sovereign) lands utilizing the conspiring Americans, legal operants, including the Supreme Court Justices of the Hawaiian Kingdom who claimed that 'they made the rules and their rules became laws' since 1885 after one of Kamehameha's descendant Bernice Pauahi Bishop died.note: the moves by the Supreme Court Justices in claiming that 'they made the rules and their rules became laws' were treasonous in nature because the Supreme Court Justices were part of the 1/3 part of the Hawaiian Government which was voted in and fell under the House of Representatives. The other two parts making up 2/3 of the Hawaiian Government were the permanent bodies: 1) Sovereign - his heirs and successors; and 2) House of Nobles - their descendants and heirs. These bodies were based on genealogies of Kanaka Maoli from a 3-5,000 years ancient society. The Hawaiian Government was a Monarchy Government formed and recognized by many nations since 1810, while George Washington of the U.S. was alive. The Supreme Court Justices were conspirators during the reign of King David Kalakaua who became a successor of Kamehameha's Families, including Queen Emma who legally had the right to be in place after King William Lunalilo died.
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- Although Bernice Pauahi Bishop's husband Charles Reed Bishop was entitled to a "life interest" in the Private Estate, he conveyed his "life interest" to the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools.The next of kin on record was Bernice Pauahi Bishop's cousin named Kalola. She had tried to deed her interest to her cousin Pius F. Koakanu and the Supreme Court Justices declared that Koakanu was not closely related to Bernice Pauahi Bishop and could not inherit.Koakanu's claims were set aside, and next of kin Kalola was ignored. The lies that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehamameha's continued and were perpetuated over time ignoring the true land owners of lands that the Estates claimed supported by the Supreme Court Justices.The Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools claimed themselves to be the heirs, disregarding the facts that the descendants/heirs of the next of kin named Kalola existed then and exists today (including myself, the poster). and many Kamehameha's descendants/heirs existed then and exists today (including myself, the poster)."profits to corrupt the legal system, hijack public funds, get the best lawyers, and make their operations as opaque as possible to avoid prosecution, no matter the charge."The Estates Trustees with their administrators "profits to corrupt the legal system (note: see how the Federal Judge Ezra in 2007 judicially removed the postings of 'Whistleblower' Greg Wongham's which I found and reposted at my website at ), hijack public funds - through the taking of educational funds, etc. from the U.S. Government, etc., get the best lawyers - DJ Mailer of the Estates recently told families living on leases for lands they claim to own that 'they owned all of the lawyers in Hawaii, meaning the would also "get the best lawyers" including the mainland and they would get a team to fight everyone over their claims, etc.DJ Mailer, et. als. also stated that they owned the media, which means their "slum lord" activities of increasing lease rents for leasees, bullying behaviors, etc. helps "make their operations as opaque as possible to avoid prosecution, no matter the charge."Similarly, the State of Hawaii employs similar tactics because all of their bullying activities are kept out of the media, including the fact that the State of Hawaii through their Attorney General's Office suit against our families for filing a Lien against all of the Crown Lands which they have criminally labeled as "Ceded Lands".Background: Premeditation of usurping our Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects by the 1/3 part of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives turned Provisional Government, Republic of Hawaii, Territory of Hawaii, and State of Hawaii progressed with the support of U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, England, and the JP Morgan Bankers, including the Bank of England, etc. See the following for more information features of Capitalism as listed at does not apply in the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom. For example in number 1...... " in any manner. In case of death of owner of the property, his property passes to his successors."Because the Laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom prevail and the State of Hawaii's laws are based on the Hawaiian Kingdom laws, the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates with its administrators have criminally assumed the position of being "successors" when "successors" to private properties are not foreign persons, non Kanaka Maoli persons who have criminally conspired against the Royal Families, perpetuated frauds, criminal deviance, racketeering, identity thefts, doctored records of the Hawaiian Kingdom (the Offices of the Hawaiian Government were shut down for two (2) years after the Premeditation to take over Hawaii's Queen, racketeering, profiteering, theft of funds from the Treasury(ies), assuming lands, etc. disregarding the laws set in stone by Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III from a Monarchy/ Constitutional Monarchy.Also, because Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist, the lands that both the Trustees and Administrators of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates (including other Alii Trusts, etc.) and the State of Hawaii are in a peculiar position due to the conflicts of being
"Capitalists" in a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy permanent Government with the Sovereigns descendants/heirs recognizing that the
"perpetual treaty(ies)" exist, this leaves everyone to explore the criminal racketeering, piracy(ies), parasites activities of those who claim lands belonging to others from an already recognized nation.The support of the Trustees and Administrators of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools are the Masons/Freemasons, particularly the Scottish Rite Masons.Bernice Pauahi Bishop died during the rule of King David Kalakaua and note that his name is on the list of Scottish Rite Masons at Also review the history of the Masons/Freemasons at Queen Liliuokalani's husband was also a memberSee the following link which shows the Masons/Freemasons participation in assisting the wrongful dethronement in 1893:January 3. Hundreds arrived in Hawaii for a Parade to Commemorate a building calling Honolulu their "home city" List of the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: CHARLES REED BISHOP AND FRIENDS by Amelia Gora1893 - January 8. 1893 - Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor was documented by Congress, and the former American Civil War General, a Mason/Freemason U.S. President who did help to plan the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani.Reference:
1893 - January 9, 1893 - the NEW YORK TIMES printed the standing order, a directive to take over the Hawaiian Islands through Pearl Harbor claims, a fraud claim which was recorded during King Kalakaua's period as the BLUNDERS of the Reciprocity Treaty(ies) etc.
Reference: researcher Shane Lee's find and other research by Amelia Gora
1893 - Queen Liliuokalani, to the horror of the Masons/Freemasons, destroyed the Constitution of 1887 - The Bayonnet Constitution.
They hurriedly put together a "purported Constitution" which they claimed was signed by Queen Liliuokalani and placed it in the U.S. Congressional Records. The supposed heirs to the throne was Masons/Freemasons Kuhio Kalanianaole and David Kawananakoa. Both were not related to the King Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani's genealogy lines.Summary
The problems found in history has much to do with the Masons/Freemasons presence in the Hawaiian Islands.
All of the Sovereigns were part of the Masons/Freemason, unaware of the criminal deviance involved according to researcher Chris Roses.
The Masons/Freemasons affected the Hawaiian Monarchy since the time of the 1822 - Secret Treaty of Verona. Austria, France, Russia, Prussia, the Vatican, England, and U.S. are recorded as having signed this treaty which was against all Monarchy governments worldwide. This Treaty also became a move towards One World Order, New World Order.
PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends have been documented, many of the names were listed because Queen Liliuokalani did point out the treasonous persons over time.
Mason/Freemason, scum, scoundrel, liar, Charles Reed Bishop, promoted his support of the U.S. government by maneuvering his way into the Royal Families by marrying half-white Bernice Pauahi. Bishop was a dishonest man, corrupt in his personal life, and business life.
Queen Emma, a true heir to the Crown died in 1885. Then a non-descendant of Kamehameha gained the support of Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop who supported him with the help of the forces of the U.S. military who helped to control Queen Emma's supporters.
King David Kalakaua ceased giving out emblems/symbols of Masonry - pins, jewelry, etc. after he found out the truth about the Masons/Freemasons. Oral history reveals that King Kalakaua died at the hands of the Masons/Freemasons. He was dead before he boarded the ship to California. King Kalakaua left and returned with the same clothes on.
Queen Liliuokalani was said to have been saved many times by displaying her Mason/ Freemason's jewelry. She was the widow of Mason/Freemason John Dominis. Queen Liliuokalani, along with her brother King David Kalakaua did learn about the Masons/Freemasons, etc.
At the time of the wrongful dethronement of our Queen in 1893, Masons/Freemasons played a major part in criminally assuming what was and is not theirs.
Some of the players of the period are those listed in the reference section, as well as the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, Vice President Levi Morton - International banker expert in international transfers of monies, et. als.
The Masons/Freemasons includes those who are part of the active Pacific Club made up of lawyers, Corporations Executive Officers, bankers, etc.
The Masons/Freemasons are also an arm of the One World Order/New World Order with moves to assume what is not theirs; eliminate the "People of Color" "the useless, needless eaters", and an excellent example of that is the Smallpox Epidemic which killed off thousands, while the Judd's, Masons/Freemasons gave only their own families, friends the vaccines in the past.
The Royal Families, the descendants/heirs of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III, the owners of the Crown Lands, etc., and who have inherited Sovereignty existed then and exists today representing truth, fact, and promoting peace, neutrality, justice in the Hawaiian Islands affecting the U.S. and the World Today.
Many of the Royal Families are descendants of the Sovereign - Kamehameha and descendants/ heirs of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III; families of King Lunalilo; families of King Kalakaua; and families of Queen Liliuokalani who existed then and today. The permanent Treaties were made only between the President of the U.S./America and the Sovereigns heirs and successors. Our families are both heirs and successors which is why we remain the Crown Lands owners, etc.
We continue to maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and moving to correct the wrongs, etc.
In the Hawaiian Islands, land titles are held in alodio/ ano alodio which means corporations, non Kanaka Maoli are not the true land owners; additionally, Corporations such as the Oahu Railway was not and are not the land owners of Halawa lands/Pearl Harbor, etc. The Corporation had no title to Hawaiian Lands and were not in a position to convey lands that they did not own.
Conveyance to the U.S. Government was illegal, unlawful, a sham, a historical fraud.
Additionally, the claims, crimes perpetuated by the Trustees and Administrators of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, All the Alii Trusts, the State of Hawaii which evolved from the Territory, the Republic, the Provisional Government, and the 1/3 part of the Voted in Part of the Hawaiian Government who conspired against the 2/3 permanent part of the Hawaiian Government and were supported by the U.S. government, et. als. (England, JP Morgan bankers, Bank of England, International bankers) who did Premeditate the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, and all of the Corporations supported by Mason/Freemason see themselves as "brothers and sisters" of sort through their allegiance to their fellow Mason/Freemasons, they are part of the Corporations actively supporting the move towards One World Order/New World Order.
Note: See also the Scottish Rites/Mason Freemason connections to hate organizations at includes Domestic TerrorismTherefore, it can be said that the Corporations along with many Masons/Freemasons members are part of the corruption, frauds, conspiracies, racketeers, mafia, the haters moving with the bankers, International bankers, et. als. towards the One World Order/New World Order and are a danger/contrary to all who value neutrality (Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom), respect, peace, non-violence, friendship, hope, love, honesty, and Christianity.aloha.Additional References: article about the Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha SchoolsDirty Money, Dirty Politics and Bishop Estate - Part I political agenda had a profound effect on Bishop Estate and the ......GreaterThings by Greg Wongham: FBI Investigates Hawaii Democratic Party.COZY RELATIONSHIPS - Google Sites
Some of Greg Wongham's Highlights ---- Censored Info ... BISHOP ESTATE / KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS LOSES $2.08 BILLION LAST YEAR! ... Take a look ...Paradise 808
PIRATED entity Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools aka's: ... This isGreg Wongham's Info —note that in 2007 Federal Judge Ezra moved to ...You've visited this page 3 times. Last visit: 7/31/12AMERICAN SHAME KINGDOM LAW IN HAWAII
Several of the properties were on land leased from Bishop Estate. .... Bank of Hawaii - From, by Greg Wongham: HAWAIIAN BANKS LINK: ...Some of Greg Wongham's Highlights ---- Censored Info - Maoliworld 18, 2011 – Some of Greg Wongham's Highlights ---- Censored Info. .... BISHOP ESTATE / KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS LOSES $2.08 BILLION LAST YEAR!"PONO ALERT" Hawaiian National Pilipo Speaks PONO! - Maoliworld
Aug 7, 2011 – the following is my intro posted and Greg Wongham's post after: ...PIRATED entity Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools aka's: ...IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: IOLANI
May 8, 2009 – True Land Owner of KSBE/Bishop Estates, Crown Lands is Amelia .....Scandals > Riady - Hawaiian Banks Link > Contact Greg Wongham ...IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: IOLANIpart4
Feb 18, 2012 – htmGreg states that "the number-one purveyor of broadcast news in this... DIRTY MONEY, DIRTY POLITICS & BISHOP ESTATE GOING POSTAL AT ... THE DRAGON " ***** Greg Wongham continues his fine work exposing ...View Replies - Free Republic
Apr 10, 2011 – It would be Hawaii's Democratic machine which would use billions of dollars in Kamaehameha School funds with Bishop Estate to underwrite ...THE CATBIRD'S NEST #4 - Google Sites
Giacometti has raised $7.4 million for creditors, and the estate will receive another $1.25 million for its role as .... By Greg Wongham, ...
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compiled by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2010)
As you may have already read in the previously posted articles about the Premeditation activities, the piracy(ies) involved in assuming a friendly, Neutral, non-violent nation, the information documented below shows some of the piracies, activities involved in assuming Trusts of our Royal Families over time by criminal maneuvers, conversions, piracy(ies, racketeering, Premeditation activities by criminals documented.
Descendants of the Royal Families exist, including myself, Amelia Gora, who has done more than 22 years of research to find the hidden lines of our Royal families, those who are the true descendants, heirs to the lands of Kamehameha thru Queen Liliuokalani's times.
The tremendous amount of fraud, deceit, racketeering, criminal conversions can be seen in the documents remaining, which appears to be one of the reasons why treasonous person Thomas Akaka's descendant Senator Daniel Akaka et. als. moves to destroy all of the books of our Hawaiian Kingdom, which remains evidence of their crimes documented through the Akaka Bill ---opposition to the Akaka Bill continues..
As you may already know, the Archives/Records of the Hawaiian Kingdom were shut down from 1893 thru 1895 and much tampering of our records occurred. A treasonous persons descendant also sent out requests for other nations to return the books of the Hawaiian Kingdom under the guise of collecting the books for records (more for destruction of the evidence?)
Through the studies of the Alii, the evidence of piracy(ies) can be revealed.
For example, the Land Court which was brought to life in the early 1900's was utilized by many criminals, including the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees who claim themselves to be owners of the Trust. A 5% interest is also assumed from the Charles Reed Bishop Trust, also a criminal trust perpetuating a life interest of the PIRATE OF THE PACIFIC.
See Land Court Case 1228, First Circuit Court, this is what is documented:
"Bernice Pauahi Bishop died October 16, 1884. Her will dated October 31, 1883 and first codicil dated October 4, 1884, and second codicil, irrelevant for the purposes of this report, were duly admitted to Probate in the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands, December 2, 1884. (Probate No. 2425). Inventory filed January 7, 1885 showed; The Ahupuaa of Paalaa. All the annuitants mentioned in the will and codicils are dead. Acceptance of the trust by the Trustees named in the Will was filed on March 4, 1885."
Bernice Pauahi Bishop was half white, was not the last of the Kamehameha's, was not the full owner of the lands of Kamehameha I, Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, King Lunalilo.
Research shows many descendants, heirs, and uncovering the criminals, the racketeers, the pirates, the intruders, the outsiders, the conspirators, the treasonous persons with their claws in every part of the Trusts belonging to the Royal families who were diverted through the malicious maneuvers of the pirates actively and criminally claiming what does not belong, could not belong to them - the white trustees supported by the bankrupt nations U.S., and England/Great Britain with the help of their banking investors the Morgan bankers of whom Charles Reed Bishop, the Judd families, et. als. were part of ---yes, partners in crime.
The following shows just the top of the iceberg, a rapidly melting iceberg, because the the truth of the matter is that all of the Trusts started in the Hawaiian Kingdom has true owners, bloodlines, descendants, heirs, which basically means that all lands claimed for, sold by the current Trustees are and remain fraudulent conveyances due to their foundation being based on fraud, racketeering, piracy(ies) on the high seas, etc.
Treasonous persons, conspirators, those promoting, perpetuating criminal activities, maneuvers in claiming sovereign trusts do not, and cannot inherit Sovereigns Trusts. Everyone must heed the Hawaiian Kingdom, International laws dealing with Pirates, these who have done serious wrongs against the Royal families.
****************************** **etc.***********************************************************************************We have inherited Sovereignty.............which means we are Royal Persons and not subject to the laws.....which means the courts, the State of Hawaii has no jurisdiction over us, which means the Treaties, the permanent treaties remain due to the agreement made with the U.S. President (Taft, et. als.) and the Secretary of State for the United States and the Sovereign, his heirs and successors are in place.Oh btw we are the heirs of the successors as well based on the facts that King William Lunalilo was a stepsibling of our ancestors 1) Kaoleioku 2) Kanekapolei 2(w) 3) Kalanihelemaiiuna; as well as Puali Nui (w) daughter of Kalaniopuu, stepdaughter of Kamehameha. King David Kalakaua did have two children ---we are heirs to them ....their names Kamaka (w) and Kaopu (k).............and Queen Liliuokalani thru her daughters/hanai also 1) Abigaila/ Princess Poomaikelani and 2) Kaaumoana (w) who was designated as her trustee.....And, we are descendants of so many of Kamehameha's brothers and sisters as well..... Ramifications are many.............messages being sent to other nations as well, including Kuala Lumpur, etc.Maintaining a neutral, friendly nation from the time of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.aloha.p.s. rents and leases are due in gold coins/gold bullions (not American money as shown below).........for the rents and leases of the Crown Lands, Government Lands, other Private Properties of our families, and the Alii Trusts as well...Eviction Notices will be served to problematic ones, Kawaiahao Church can build on Abner Paki's lands located next to the State of Hawaii - Attorney General's offices, the looted effects that the grave robbers have removed must be returned, the Cease and Desist Orders have been announced a few weeks back, Monsanto has to go, get off of our families lands, the Trustees of KSBE, etc. are not related to us. Also, the return of the treasury funds, Coins of the Realm, gold bullions, etc. expected,-
They hated us then in 1893, and they hate us now......... aloha. p.s. the Royal Families exist, our monies, gold bullions, gold coins were stolen ----even criminal assumptions of lands by Pirates now, who's the terrorists? especially since Premeditation issues have been found? the Wars with Spain, Germany, Japan, etc. was based on lies, deceit, fraud, etc. Hundreds of thousands died needlessly....wicked to use monies, assets of a neutral, non-violent, friendly nation by the U.S. who bases claims to Hawaiian lands thru fraud, conspiracy(ies), piracy(ies) and supported treasonous persons in the Hawaiian Islands in 1893.....affecting all in the World then and today.... aloha.
maoliworld.ning.comJanuary 13, 2012 The Washington Post 10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free By Jonathan Turley Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro professor of publi…- "Note: The Rail Systems are owned by the Rockefellers stated a researcher. Research incomplete.
In the Hawaiian Islands, land titles are held in alodio/ ano alodio which means corporations are not owners; hence, the Oahu Railway was not the land owners to Halawa lands and the claims made by the U.S. government, and State of Hawaii is not legal.
The lands of Halawa has owners. The owners in a...See Moremaoliworld.ning.comWARS AGAINST THE WORLD Affecting Hawaii, the U.S., and the World Today..................Since the Criminal Assumption of a Neutral, Non-Violent, Friendly Na…
problems stem also from the news media....for example, the NEW YORK TIMES fails to do a complete research about the Hawaiian Kingdom and post erroneous info on their "Learning Network" or more like "Indoctrination Network" ......notice that you've had problems with the media as well.........aloha, amelia gora
Goldman-Sachs Info ----exposing where they got their investments from....the stolen trusts of our Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands.....OBAMA is a descendant of the Booth family who are also bankers......Bank of Hawaii....his family helped to dethrone our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.....and he was not born in the U.S.....Kenya or the Hawaiian Kingdom.....aloha.
....information that could help everyone....aloha. p.s. I enjoy your films and videos....
maoliworld.ning.comWHO’S UNDOING YOUR CONSTITUTION? R=view by Amelia Kuulei Gora, one Of Kamehameha’s, Queen Liliuokalan=’s, =rincess =oomaikelani’s, Kahekili of Maui, Kaumuali…
Tags: Government, Hawaiian, House, KSBE, Nobles, Sovereign, Trustees, descendants/heirs, of
Based on the Hawaiian Laws, the Treaty(ies) in place, the Hawaiian Government in place because Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist, Historical Evidence, Historical Crimes/Premeditation, Land Ownership of Private Properties documenting that the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates are NOT part of our Families, it means that the Deeds Conveyed to the Oahu Rail, the United States of America/U.S.A. does not give/convey title because the Trustees had no title because they were not and are not related to our Royal Families.
These issues which were also entered into the State Court is for the purpose of showing that the laws in place, laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom supercedes laws of a Foreign Government, the U.S.A./U.S. which has PERPETUAL Treaty(ies) with our Hawaiian Government which is permanently in place.
Governor Abercrombie must be reprimanded along with his organizations/ corporations who are moving to criminally assume lands, resources, Crown Lands of our Royal Families, etc.
The Proper Title of the Crown Lands wrongfully claimed as "ceded lands" as well as non family members claiming to be Trustees and claiming that Bernice Pauahi is "the last of the Kamehameha's" are all falsehoods perpetuated by a documented conspiracy/treasonous based society which moved to assume, pirate our lands, assets, resources, incomes, trusts, etc. and fall under the issues covered in the MATTER OF LANDAIS case.
Please set up an American Embassy which can properly oversee ruthless Americans such as Governor Abercrombie, et. als.
Rents and Leases are due for the State of Hawaii has built many buildings on our personal, private properties, as well as wrongfully claiming to own the "ceded lands" the Crown Lands and moving to sell properties that they do not own to other foreigners, Corporations, etc.
The "GREER MAP" shows the properties that our family(ies) own, including the lands that the State Capitol, the Courts, the Kalanimoku building, etc. sits on.
A meeting to discuss the amounts owed, due for the Crown Lands rentals, leases, etc. as well as our Families private properties would be great.
Representatives of other Nations that have perpetual/permanent treaty(ies) with our families will also be invited for a November meeting.
Your expeditious response will be greatly appreciated.
Amelia Gora, a Royal person,
Acting Liaison of Foreign
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- Posting date stamps of both Attorney General's Office and First Circuit Court - served to the Attorney General, Judge Sakamoto, Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates also known as Kamehameha Schools, et. als. ---fyi.....
p.s. will be posting the entire legal docs at soon and will post again when it is complete.
Hint, hint............all who have contracts, improper contracts including foreclosures, read this because you'll find that these issues could be utilized for your benefit as well................questions? contact
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To Family and Friends...............
fyi at the time of the Great Mahele 1848, testimony has been discovered showing that MAUNAWILI was to be OUR FAMILIES JOHN II who was the hanai father of KAPEHE (w) married to MAHU (k)....
Lots of issues going on and those devious, conspirators who have actually assisted in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani perpetuates the FRAUDs over out.....because those lands are TEMPORARILY put on the back burner for now.......
guess many know who am talking about................
For the Records:
Kaukuna's photo---
Opposing Lepre CON and his goooood know who....the one who claims to be the owner of MAUNAWILI on these forums....l
and OUR families are part of Queen Liliuokalani's families........tsa.... (it's a real Hawaiian word...look it up) those who perpetuate the crimes of the ages.........because every crook gets's just a matter of time...
************************************************criminal issues continues....... Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)
Sudden Rush- Messenjah's (Feat.Amy Hanaialii Gilom)by sablancpm 2 years ago 4,201 views
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Images for half white bernice pauahi bishop
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A Look At Corporations From the Hawaiian Islands -A Review ... 4, 2012 – This Estate which is based on the lie, frauds (Bernice Pauahi Bishopwas 'said ..... Bernice Pauahi Bishop was half white, was not the last of the ...EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION/GENOCIDE ACTIVISM - Maoliworld 8, 2012 – claimed to have died and she was replaced by a half white who married Charles Reed Bishop. Bernice Pauahi. Bishop was NOT the last of the ...WHY THE DIRTY BISHOP ESTATES TRUSTEES AND - Maoliworld 11, 2012 – Mind you, the WHITE TRUSTEES claim themselves to be an heir. ...Rents and Leases are due from the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates because ... 6)Half of the ahupuaa was under the Hawaiian Government, which is NOT ...Perpetual Friendship Treaty(ies) With the U.S. In Place Superceding ... 30, 2012 – Many descendants/heirs existed when Bernice Pauahi Bishop died in...... and the NEW YORK TIMES article showing that she was half white at ...Legal Notice: Protective Orders for the Vegas, et. als. Families in the ... 31, 2012 – Bernice Pauahi Bishop according to our families oral history was said to be "hapa haole"/half white. Research shows that she was half white ...OpEdNews - Diary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian Islands and ...
Jan 17, 2012 – It was Mason/Freemason Charles Reed Bishop and his half-white wifeBernice Pauahi who lied in Court claiming that Akahi/Chiefess Akahi ...You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 8/18/12Bernice Pauahi Bishop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pauahi Bishop (December 19, 1831–October 16, 1884), born Bernice Pauahi Pākī, was a Hawaiian princess, philanthropist, aliʻi, and direct ...You visited this page on 9/16/12.Kamehameha Schools - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's will established a trust called the "Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate" that is ...In 1883, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop directed that the remainder of her ...Racist or Righteous: The Kamehameha Schools Admissions Policy Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Racism isn't just black and white anymore. Racism ... Hawaiian population was cut inhalf (Schmitt). ... Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop felt that she needed to ...Memoirs of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian ... - Volume 5 - Page 542 - Google Books Result Pauahi Bishop Museum - 1919 - NatureBernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. from above ... Another noted thing which was done there was cooking whales“ during the lifetime of Keokiko, a half-white.
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